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“His majesty the King-Father asked me to thank you on his behalf. He read with great interest your report about your activities in reviving the cinema industry in Cambodia” — From the Cabinet of H.M. Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia
H.M. King Father Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia Thanks CamboFest
"I enjoy CamboFest.  Never before I have chance to be so brave!"- Cambodian Youth Group (Y.A.H.R.D) member in charge of operating the 4th edition of CamboFest<i> </i>
Youth Group Enjoys CamboFest
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  • H.M. King Father Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia Thanks CamboFest
    “His majesty the King-Father asked me to thank you on his behalf. He read with great interest your report about your activities in reviving the cinema industry in Cambodia” — From the Cabinet of H.M. Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia
  • Youth Group Enjoys CamboFest
    "I enjoy CamboFest.  Never before I have chance to be so brave!"- Cambodian Youth Group (Y.A.H.R.D) member in charge of operating the 4th edition of CamboFest<i> </i>
  • H.M. King Father Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia Thanks CamboFest
    “His majesty the King-Father asked me to thank you on his behalf. He read with great interest your report about your activities in reviving the cinema industry in Cambodia” — From the Cabinet of H.M. Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia
  • Youth Group Enjoys CamboFest
    "I enjoy CamboFest.  Never before I have chance to be so brave!"- Cambodian Youth Group (Y.A.H.R.D) member in charge of operating the 4th edition of CamboFest<i> </i>